Blogging Insights: 31 Key Stats for 2024


As we enter 2024, marketers need to know the latest trends in blogging. Blogging is still a super popular way to share content. This blog post covers more than 30 important facts and figures you should be aware of for the coming year.

The stats give insights into things like how much people like blogging, the benefits it brings, ways to get more people to see your blog, why it’s good for search engines, how to share your content, what kind of content gets popular, how long your blog posts should be, and what readers like. Knowing these blogging facts will help marketers create interesting and successful blog posts in 2024.

What Exactly Is a Blog?

A blog is like a website where people write entries, kind of like a journal. These entries are shown in the order they were written, with the newest ones at the top. The word ‘blog’ is just short for ‘web log.’ Anyone – a person, a company, or a group – can use a blog to share information about whatever they want.

Blogs usually get updated regularly with new stuff like opinions, stories, news, pictures, videos, and more. People who read the blog can leave comments, and they can also share the content on social media.

When you look at a blog, you’ll see the newest posts first. There are usually different sections like archives to find older posts, categories to sort the posts, pages for things that aren’t in order, and links to contact or about pages.

Some features you might find are suggestions for related posts, buttons to share the content, how many people follow or subscribe, and some stats about the blog.

People use blogs for different reasons – like keeping a personal journal, having a website for a business or brand, being a helpful resource for learning, or even being an online magazine.

Blogs bring people together from all over the world, and they help show that someone knows a lot about a topic by regularly sharing good content. That’s why blogs have become a big way for people to express themselves and talk with others online.

Why Does Blogging Matter?

Blogging is like a super helpful thing that has lots of good points for people and businesses. It lets you share your thoughts, ideas, and what you know with others online.

By doing this, you get better at writing and talking to people. Regular blogging makes you better at organizing your thoughts, writing clearly, and keeping readers interested. It’s also a cool way to be creative because you can try different ways of writing.

Blogging is great for staying on track. If you make a plan to post regularly, it helps you stay committed and work consistently. It also makes you an expert in a certain topic over time. When people comment on your blog, it’s like talking with them, and their feedback helps you make your content better.

For businesses, blogging is a powerful tool. It helps more people know about a brand, brings specific visitors to the website, and builds a group of engaged online fans. Regularly writing about the industry or topic your business is in makes you look like a leader and an expert.

This makes your website show up more when people search online. Analytics, which are like reports on how your blog is doing, tell you what your readers like, so you can make your content even better.

Good blogs also turn visitors into potential customers or clients because they trust what they read. Blogs are helpful for Social Media Marketing too, and they bring in new leads for businesses. So, blogging is a win-win for both individuals and companies because it has lots of personal and professional benefits.

31 Key Blogging Statistics for 2024

Check out these 31 blogging statistics you should be aware of in 2024

1] Stats on How Popular Blogging Is

Lots of people write blogs – more than 1 billion blogs were on the internet by December 2023. Every day, around 175,000 new blog posts get published. Almost half of all internet users between 16 and 64 years old read blogs at least once a month. Blogs are really liked online, and they’re the second most popular type of content after social media posts.

2] Stats on the Return on Investment (ROI) of Blogging

Businesses that regularly publish blogs experience a significant boost in website traffic, with an average increase of over 25% within the first year of starting a blog. Bloggers also see a rise in new leads, reporting an average increase of 15-20% each month due to their blogging efforts.

High-performing blogs, those that publish content two or more times per week, experience even more substantial growth, with lead increases exceeding 30% year-over-year.

What’s interesting is that, despite content creation costs staying pretty much the same, blogging proves to be a cost-effective way for businesses to scale their lead generation efforts when compared to other content formats like eBooks or infographics.

Furthermore, blogs that consistently focus on a business’s most profitable offers witness a notable increase in monetization rates, averaging around 25% within just six months.

3] Stats on Driving Traffic

Maintaining a blogging schedule is a game-changer for digital marketing consultants. Those who blog at least twice a month see a substantial 35% increase in organic website traffic compared to their non-blogging counterparts.

Notably, around 20% of blog post views stem from social media shares, indicating that readers actively spread engaging blog content within their networks.

Additionally, embedding a company blog on high-traffic external websites, such as industry hubs or personal sites, can result in a noteworthy 20-30% surge in traffic from these external referrals.

Moreover, digital marketing consultants can establish authority in their field by incorporating helpful blog post links. Research suggests that blogs with three or more quality backlinks experience a significant boost in search traffic, ranging from 15-25%.

These insights underscore the impactful role that consistent blogging and strategic link-building play in enhancing the online presence and reach of digital marketing consultants.

4] Stats on Boosting SEO

Businesses that offer Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services and stick to a regular blogging routine see about 25-30% more of their pages getting noticed by search engines, on average. Blogs work like an interconnected network, where each post links to others about similar things. This helps with SEO by spreading the link power and improving the chances of ranking higher for specific, targeted words.

On top of that, each blog post, on average, brings in 3-5 new really good links that directly point to the SEO service provider’s website. This gives a nice boost to the overall authority of their website. When the blog posts are properly set up for search engines, it can make the business show up more when people look for certain words.

5] Stats on Distributing Content

In 2023, most digital marketing consultants, website owners, and content creators still prefer using blogs more than other online content types. When we check out popular websites, we see that blogging is the second most common way to share content, right after social media. It’s more popular than other types like case studies, ebooks, and infographics.

For B2B companies (that’s businesses selling to other businesses), almost 90% of them use blogging as part of how they share content. Most of them put out a new blog post at least once a month.

6] Stats on Content Going Viral

Every day, more than 7 million unique things get super popular and shared a lot on social media. People are way more likely to share stuff that helps others avoid mistakes in social media marketing – like, 10 times more likely than regular ads. When people share, it’s not just about getting likes or followers for themselves; it’s mainly because they want to be useful to their friends and followers. Being helpful is the big reason why things go viral.

7] Stats on the Best Length for Blog Posts

Most people like blog posts that are about 600-800 words long. Short commercial blog posts, like those under 300 words, usually don’t do as well as longer ones.

When it comes to showing up in search engines, really long posts (over 2,000 words) tend to do great in many types of businesses.

8] Stats on Content Relevance

When editors check or approve content, people tend to like it more and trust it more compared to information without any support.

If you include easy-to-understand tips, good practices, or things you’ve learned, more people will read it, especially if it’s about things happening right now.

9] Stats on Readability

Many people online admit to quickly reading through content instead of reading it all the way, especially on their phones.

If you add pictures, charts, or visuals that make sense to what you’re writing about, more people will be interested – like, two or three times more.

Visit the site more information : Blogging Insights: 31 Key


Blogging is still a big part of how companies talk to people online. The numbers we talked about here give a good idea of what works well for bloggers and what people like to read. Putting out a lot of useful and detailed content regularly, especially about what you know well, gives the best results.

Even though the way blogs look might change, the basics of making really good and unique blog content will always be important. Checking how well your blog is doing can help you make it even better for the next year. For businesses, the good things that come from blogging, like more people coming to your site and more sales, make it a smart choice to keep doing.

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