“Tricks” turn out to be really useful trump cards for you. You need to reduce the amount of custom code you need to write every time you simplify routine chores or add special desktop features. It would help if you also streamlined your in-browser work on a website. After all, it can never get too “bulky,” can it? This is why there is a compiled list of seven fascinating things you can do with HTML 5 that you may not be aware of.
1. Initiate the use of a Visual Color Picker

Moreover, the HTML code that underpins this HTML trick is as follows: input type=” color”>
When you click on it, it will automatically show a color picker customized to your device. Put this approach to use when producing or modifying pictures or interactive animations on an HTML canvas, and you’ll have a winning combination.
Furthermore, consider the arduous custom code writing session you would have otherwise had to go through to create this UI component. Note that, except for Safari, all other browsers support it on mobile devices.
2. Make use of the HTML 5 Vibration API to generate vibrations.
Perhaps you are truly perplexed about how having end users’ phones would be of any use to anybody. Let us consider the following hypothetical situation:
Your marketing team “fuels” their ad campaigns using this “user alerting” feature in HTML 5, which directs customers’ attention to certain advertisements according to your specifications.
In this case, vibration API initiates a method called vibrate(), which does exactly what it says on the tin: it causes the customer’s phone to vibrate.
3. Pull one or two anchor element tricks from your bag of tricks.
Now, here are some very fantastic things you can do with HTML 5 that will blow your mind.
Using the anchor tags listed below, you may expedite routine chores and devote your time and energy to much more sophisticated jobs that are actually worth your time and energy as a Drupal developer:
a href=”skype:username?chat”>a href=”skype:username?chat”>a
Start a conversation with the username/a> a href=”skype:username?add”>Start a conversation with the username/a>.
Fill up the blanks with your username/a> a href=”mailto:someone@gmail.com”> “> The following is an example of a formalised formalised formalised
Send an email to a friend/a>
a href=”skype:username?call”>a href=”skype:username?”>a
Start the call by mentioning the username/a>
4. Create several images with different resolutions for each screen.
In fact, it’s the HTML 5 image> element that’s “behind” this interesting HTML trick. Essentially, it provides the capability of specifying a separate picture for each device’s screen resolution. Furthermore, you have the freedom to define as many distinct pictures as there are viewports.
What was the point of including this HTML 5 functionality in the first place? Especially if you’ve already begun applying responsive design concepts in your organization.
For the most part, this is because of downloading the biggest version of an image. Then down sampling is “forced” onto a user when an image automatically resizes to match various viewports is used.
Because you’re supplying a completely distinct picture for each screen size, you’re avoiding the difficulty that comes along with using responsive design.
5. Change the Color of the Toolbar
Enter the magic formula meta name=”theme-color” content=”#FFFFFF”/> in the appropriate field. and let it do its “spell”: recoloring
the user interface of your browser while you are browsing your website.
An HTML 5 hack that will give your mobile platform a wonderful touch of visual polish.
Because “theme-color” only works in full-screen mode on iOS (although it does so flawlessly in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera), you’ll also need “apple-mobile-web-app-status bar-style” to complete your project on Apple’s mobile web application.
6. Reload your browser to see the changes.
By default, every X second is executed. Is this a situation that you are all too acquainted with?
While playing with CSS, you find yourself having to manually refresh your browser every few seconds to see the outcomes of your “experiments” on your website. That is no longer the case!
When it comes to HTML 5, one of the coolest things you can do is use a meta code such as meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”3″> “/> /> /> /> /> /> — specifically for the purpose of causing your browser to refresh itself automatically every 3 seconds.
There’s more to it than that! You can also configure it to automatically refresh your browser every 5 seconds while doing “wonders” with your CSS files.
7. Provide Unmatched User Experience
When it comes to providing an unmatched user experience, prefetching (loading web pages before they are requested) is essential. As a result of applying the HTML 5 meta code link rel=” prefetch prerender” href=”/>, you’ll be able to give an unrivaled user experience to your visitors.
It will prefetch the CSS files for the precise page that you think a site visitor will be about to request, saving you time and effort. And this is before they have even had a chance to click on the related link in the navigation menu, to begin with.
One of the many fun things you can do with HTML 5 that you may not have realized you could do until now. And, by using the rel=” prerender” HTML technique, you’ll be able to start a similar operation, but you can anticipate it to render the full web page rather than just its CSS files. This means that it will not just conceal the content element (allowing it to still take up space on your website).