How to Create a Simple Web Page with HTML for beginners

HTML was developed by Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, and others in 1989, and has been in use ever since. It is an abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language.

In hypertext, a document includes hyperlinks that enable readers to navigate between different sections of the page or even to a whole other document entirely. HTML5 is the most recent version, and it is the most widely used.

A Markup Language is a method for computers to communicate with one another in order to govern how text is processed and displayed. In order to do this, HTML makes use of two elements: tags and attributes.

What are Tags and Attributes, and how do they work?

HTML is built on the foundation of tags and attributes.

It is worthwhile to spend 2 minutes distinguishing between the two since they work together yet have distinct responsibilities.

What Are HTML Tags and How Do They Work?

Tags are used to indicate the beginning of an HTML element, and they are often wrapped in angle brackets to indicate their position. The tag h1 is an example of a heading.

In order for most tags to work properly, they must be opened with h1 and closed with /h1>.

What are HTML Attributes and How Do They Work?

Attributes are extra bits of information that may be found in a document. The attributes are presented in the form of an opening tag, with further information included inside.

It is essential that you can see HTML in action after you have gained a basic understanding of the language. One excellent method of doing this is to create and execute your own HTML on your computer.

Creating Your First HTML Document Creating Your First HTML Document

Follow along with the process. By the conclusion of this lesson, you will have created an HTML file that shows the message “Hello world” in your web browser when you open it.

Step 1: Constructing the HTML document

Create a new file in your computer’s plain text editor by using the “New File” button.

Step 2: Type some HTML code. Start with an empty window and type the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


<title>A simple HTML document</title>



    <p>Hello World!<p>



Step 3: Create a backup of the file

Save the file as “myfirstpage.html” on your computer’s desktop now. It is critical that the.html extension be provided since certain text editors, such as Notepad, will automatically save it as a.txt file if the extension is not specified.

In order to view the file in a browser. Navigate to the location of your file and double-click on it. When you click on it, your usual Web browser will open. Open your browser and drag the file into it if it does not automatically open.

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