Top 10 HTML Codes Every Coder and Blogger Must Know

Since your blog or website may be the first and only point of contact a user has with you or your organization, you must establish a strong first impression.

Adding some style to your website once you have made it navigable by building the groundwork using HTML code is important. This will entice readers to continue reading. The prospect of handing them a block of black-and-white text is scary, but users will become more interested in what you have to say by including some basic interactivity and color.

  1. Headings

^ Did you notice that? That is a heading, by the way. When you style and divide up your blog posts, you make the content simpler to read for your readers to understand. Not only does this HTML code seem better aesthetically, but it also makes the text easier to understand and consume visually. Every developer should be using headers and understanding how to use them properly.

There are six different size possibilities, which are as follows: HEADING 1 HEADING 2 HEADING 3 HEADING 4 HEADING 5 HEADING 6

The first thing you should know about using headings HTML code for SEO is that they should be used in the order of importance – the most important heading on the page (for a developer, this would be the title of the page or blog post) should use Heading 1 or 2, while headings in the content should use Headings 3-6.

  1. Hyperlinks (also known as hypertext linkages)

Learning how to create your own links and understanding how they operate is something that every developer should be familiar with – particularly if you’re connecting to information that isn’t on your own website for HTML code.

  1. Adding a No Follow Tag to your website

What if we told you that the Federal Trade Commission requires your sponsored and affiliate links to contain a tag known as a “No Follow” tag? It stops other websites from profiting from such connections in any further way. By omitting the No Follow tag, you’re essentially giving the page that can be reached at that link a “vote” in favor of the information it contains.

  1. Manually insert images into the document.

Even if you use a visual editor (such as WordPress), every developer should be able to manually place a picture into a post, page, or widget if they want to maintain their professionalism and HTML code.

  1. Creating a link to an image

Making your photographs into links is not only simple, but it’s also a terrific method to encourage users to visit crucial pages on your website. You may mix the HTML code basics for creating links with the HTML code for manually adding photos – you can even use the no-follow tag if you want to!

  1. Lists 

Most people like a well-crafted list, and they don’t have to be time-consuming to make them. There are two sorts of lists: ordered (1, 2, 3) and unordered (not in any particular order) (usually made of bullet points).

This HTML code is quite simple to construct, and they serve as a useful formatting technique that makes everything in your blog entries easier to read and understand. It is the opening and closing tags that distinguish between the two kinds – “ol” for the Ordered List and “ul” for the Unordered List – that make the most significant distinction. Isn’t it simple?

  1. Text Styling Fundamentals

To make your blog entries more visually appealing, place additional focus on certain words in each phrase. One of the most often used HTML codes, basic text style is a terrific method to adjust the tone of your blog entries without resorting to coding.




  1. Text Styling Techniques

Perhaps you’d like more complex methods of modifying the style of your text, such as changing the color of a few words or even changing the font family or the size of your words, rather than the basic methods.

  1. Linking Email Address

By converting your email address into a link, you can make it simple for others to contact you with a single click on their computer.

This is a fantastic HTML code to give an alternate method of communication if your contact forms become ineffective.

  1. Table with headings

One other excellent HTML code strategy for your blog articles that may help you keep material structured is the use of a Table with a Heading. Creating them might be a bit challenging since you must pay particular attention to the tags for Table Headings (th), Table Row (tr), and Table Details (td).


A thorough understanding of it and HTML code, along with fundamental web design principles, may result in visually appealing online sites that do not need the use of more difficult programming languages such as JavaScript.

Web pages will be accessible across a wide range of main platforms due to HTML codes for websites. Complex languages are handled more evenly in a list of HTML codes for websites than in complex languages in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

Even though a list of HTML codes provided here is a fantastic place to get started with HTML, there is still much more to learn about this powerful programming language. Learn more by following the blog regularly and keeping up to speed with web development

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