How to Build a Full-Screen Responsive Page With Flexbox

Using Flexbox, a relatively new front-end capability, you can create a website layout (and make it responsive!) that is a lot simpler than previously possible.

To understand creating responsive pages with CSS flexbox, you would have to rely on float grids or even tables to ensure your layout looked as it should. And those ways aren’t the most effective for responsive design, which ensures that a website appears excellent on all platforms, including desktop, tablet, and mobile.

If you want to keep up with the latest web development trends, learning how to utilize Flexbox is a must-have skill. This is because float grids are soon becoming obsolete.

Building a basic creating responsive pages with CSS flexbox is explained in detail in this step-by-step tutorial.

If you’re just getting started with CSS or even a seasoned master, you’ve noticed that getting items to appear in the correct location hasn’t always been a straightforward process. You may have had difficulty sizing your content on a website in the past.

However, constructing a fullscreen website is accomplished by using the necessary units and a technique known as CSS Flexbox (Cascading Style Sheets).

To construct a lovely minimalist website, we’ll utilize Flexbox and the vh unit, which we’ll demonstrate in this article. The following is an example of our finished product.

[codepen embed height=”436″ theme id=”0″ slug hash=”wRPoXQ” default tab=”html,result” user=”racullum”] [codepen embed height=”436″ theme id=”0″ slug hash=”wRPoXQ” user=”racullum”]

As a result, we’ll divide our website into three sections:

Step #1:Create an HTML skeleton for your website.

Step #2:Create a skeleton for HTML.

Step #3:Enlarge our HTML portions to fill the whole screen.

  1. Creating an HTML Skeleton

First and foremost, we must choose how the building will be laid out and constructed. In actuality, you may separate your “About” page into a separate area and your “Mission” page into a separate one. For illustration, we’ll continue with our seven primary hues of the rainbow.

For each color, we will begin with a section on building a responsive website with Flexbox that wraps a div and two header classes, one for the color name and the other for the color characteristics, as seen in the example below.

html> body> section style=”background: #f44336;”> div class=”red”> h1>Red/h1> h3>Red/h3> h4>Red/h3> h5>Red/h3>

Excitement, energy, and passion are all present.


Separate the rainbow into six additional pieces, one for each of the six hues of the rainbow. Your final product should resemble something like the following:

  1. Customize the HTML Skeleton

The main framework of our HTML content for responsive design with Flexbox has been established; now, it is time to add some personality to it.

The body has a margin of zero and padding of zero.

The use of zero for both the margin and padding guarantees that the background color for each section takes up the maximum amount of space possible!

h1 font-size: 10vw; colour: #ffffff; padding-left: 7vw; margin-bottom: 0; h2 font-size: 10vw; colour: #ffffff; h3 font-size: 10vw; colour: #ffffff; h4 font-size: 10vw; colour: #ffffff; h4 font-size: 10vw; colour: #

Simply adding some padding to the left-hand side of the color name and reducing the margin at the bottom will allow us to have a clear sub-title underneath the color name, as seen below.

In this case, the font size functions as the view port’s width. This is a fantastic method of making the header components responsive.

A color of #ffffff is used in the h3 tag. The margins are 0 at the top and 7vw at the bottom.

The text will be the same as our h1 element, except for being moved a little farther over and making sure the text is nice and comfy next to our color name.

  1. Extend the HTML sections to fill the whole screen.

As a result, we’ve reached the meat of our instructional. At the moment, we have the section components taking up as much space as is required by the section’s content, and that’s all. We need to make use of CSS Flexbox to achieve our goals for responsive design with Flexbox. Flexbox will enable us to arrange the parts logically, similar to how books are stacked.

Using the ‘display: flex’ option in our style sheet, we can compel the items included inside the section to adhere to the CSS Flexbox design concept.

All white space on the page will be eliminated using the display: flex; option in the section display: flex; We’re not quite finished, however! We need to add one more property to the style sheet for our color portions to fill up the whole display screen. This will be accomplished by using the relative length unit ‘vh’.

VH stands for viewport height, and it is expressed as a percentage of the viewport’s total height in pixels. In other words, if we add the attribute ‘height: 101vh’ to the section element in our style sheet, our color portions should fill the full screen.


Alright! If you’ve read this far, you should be able to put fullscreen pages on your website with no difficulty for a better and more responsive design with Flexbox.

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